Friday 16 August 2013


During the past summers I have found myself bored to death. I don't know why, I think it is that I don't say 'yes' to enough things. But recently, I have told myself to 'step out of my comfort zone' and 'say yes!'. I have tried doing this and I found myself enjoying life a little bit more.

The idea of saying 'yes' to more things came from Zoe Sugg (Zoella). I think I can relate to her a lot, go read her blog or check our her YouTube channel!

On Friday the 19th of July, my friends invited me to the cinema, being my shy self I was about to reply 'Oh, I think I'm busy. Sorry :(' But I actually found myself saying, 'Yeah sure!'. I was apprehensive to go, I'm not sure why, maybe it was the idea of getting the bus? Or being out without an adult? I didn't know what it was, but I was nervous. When it came to going home, in my head I thought, 'That actually wasn't too bad, I had a right laugh!'.

Saying 'yes' to more things has made me a happier person because I am experiencing new things and spending more time with those I love. I just wish I realized earlier that saying 'yes' wouldn't hurt.

So, saying 'yes' to things has made me less bored, but to also help me I created a list of 101 things to do, and in 5 days I have already completed 3 of them.

So, if you're like me and you are shy or you just say 'yes' enough, then make up a list of things to do during the summer, and make sure you do them all!


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